Mr. Popper's HILARIOUS acting penguins disturbed the peace by walking up on the stage when they weren't supposed to. Because of this the theater owner had to give the audience their admission back. Now, the theater lost a lot of money.
Mr. Popper called the police officers and firemen, so his penguins wouldn't get devoured by the starving seals on stage. It took a long time to find all of his 12 penguins (all over the theater). Soon the Police officers noticed that Mr. Popper's penguins were disturbing the peace in the theater, so they arrested him and his penguins. Mr. Popper's penguins trashed the theater, but they didn't destroy it. There were popcorn kernels, chewed up M&Ms, candy wrappers, and torn up popcorn boxes all over the theater.
Done! Yay!