
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My Friend Ethan

My friend Ethan is very nice. He and I do lots of fun things together.  We have rafted in the Deschutes river, played water games in our pool,  and jumped on a trampoline.  Ethan is also nice because he plays Legos with me.  When he meet new people he is soundless like a mouse.  As you get to know him you'd think he is nice too.
     I met him in public school in second grade.  He decided to ask me if I wanted to be his friend, so I said sure and I've known him ever since.  He and I help each other when we get hurt.  We even help others too.  Once we saw a dog on the road it was my sister Violet's friend's dog, so we took it were it needed to be!  Now we are best friends.

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